NEWS | May 16, 2016
Other collection oof exhibits can see visistors of exhibion Temple of Sciences and Muses in Olomouc Museum of Art. Illuminated manuscripts curators opened on the other pages. It was issued 11 new exhibits, which have replaced the books presented at the previous stage.
“Prolonged exposure to light these books written by hand on parchment, not good,” explained co-author of the exhibition Jana Hrbáčová. Other images await spectators at codices from the 12th to the 15th century. The change also affected incunabula exposed as exhibited in The Legend of Wailing Wind of Jean Arras, dating from 1476, which opened on another woodcut.
New to the exposure of the Late Gothic style Antiphone from the workshop of Master Friedrich (before 1477), which replaced the previously issued gradual from the same workshop. Furthermore incunabula Giovanni Boccaccio De Claris mulieribus of 1473, Euclids Geometry from 1491, Legenda Aurea Jacob de Voragine from 1488 or Liber Chronicarum Hartmann Schedel from the 1493.
The exhibition presents 47 originals, two facsimile and digital presentation of exhibits, which allows individual books browse. The exhibition runs until June 12.