22 Aug 2017
NEWS | 22. 8. 2017
A good news for all supporters of Czech hyperrealism was prepared by the curator of the exhibition Fascination with Reality by Barbora Kundračíková. On Sunday, 27 August and 3 September, he will hold an informal guided tour at 15:00.
NEWS | 22. 8. 2017
Last August and first September Sunday will be Hyperrealism at the Museum of Modern Art. Curator of the exhibition Fascination with Reality Barbora Kundracikova has decided to hold two extraordinary guided tours.
Therefore, the exhibitor will make a unique exhibit mapping Czech hyperrealistic painting every 15 hours and acquaint them with individual authors and their works. The exhibition itself ends on September 10th, so take advantage of the latest opportunities to get to know the unique direction inspired by the real world.